Saturday, April 11, 2015

April 11, 2015 - Photo Of The Day

Today Kim and I took a drive to Lancaster County for an early dinner at Miller's Smorgasbord. Of course we made a few stops along the way. One of those stops was at a small local grocery store. While there I saw this.

Yep. Those are bees. Surrounded of course by many beeswax products and honey. Now that's something you won't see in your average supermarket.

And before I go I would like to share a quick video I shot while at the car wash today.

At The Car Wash  <<< Click Here.

Why did I shoot this? Why not?

And that will do it for now folks. I'll be back real soon with more. Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time...


  1. Seeing the bees is cool., but I totally loved the car wash! Never thought about riding through it....Brave soul that you are. I always thought it would be really hot...guess not.Thanks for the trip!

    1. Thanks Debbie! At this car wash you drive in and park. The brushes and water go back and forth over the car.
