Friday, March 13, 2015

March (Friday The) 13th, 2015 - Photo of The Day

Hi all and thanks for stopping by on this second Friday The 13th in as many months. I am kind of in a hurry today so let's get right into it. For today's photo I would like to share a shot I got of the Moon while on our deck this morning before sunrise.

It was a bit chilly but the sky was crystal clear so I was able to get some good detail. What do you think?

And of course I have another "Amaryllis Watch" photo for you too. It's really getting tall and it was also bending toward the window so I rotated it and it actually straitened out during the day.

And I've gotta run folks. But I will be back real soon to share another photo or so. Thanks for reading (and looking).

Until next time...


  1. I love the shot of the moon!!!

    1. Thanks Elaine! I am very happy with how it came out.

  2. Great shot of the moon. You got a lot of detail. Come on Anatolia. Let's see you bloom.

    1. Thanks Kathy! I'm glad I got the Moon when I did because I don't think it will show for a couple of days with the rain and clouds. But I think we'll see a flower soon.

  3. Love the moon shot! Great bird yesterday too. I feed the sparrows in my yard but don't get much variety It's great stopping by.
    Have a super day!

    1. Thanks Debbie! The funny thing is that when I first moved here we didn't get any birds or squirrels at all. I guess nobody fed them before me. Now it's like a bird sanctuary here! I literally go through almost 20 pounds of birdseed a week. It makes for a nice atmosphere and some photos though. Plus they eat a lot of insects in the Summer. Keep on stopping by and you have great day too!
