Saturday, March 14, 2015

March 14, 2015 - Photo of The Day

Well the weather forecasters predicted rain for today and rain it did. In fact it rained all last night and most of today. We are still getting on and off showers now. And you probably know what you get when you mix moderate temperatures and rain. Fog. So what I am  sharing with you today is my attempt to capture some of it with my camera phone.

This is the quarry near our house. You can see some fog in the distance and to the right. Later on when it got darker there was a lot more fog but I am not going in a quarry in the dark. Not to mention it was raining at the time.

And now of course we continue our "Amaryllis Watch". It's about an inch taller and I think its getting closer to opening. You can't see it here but the bud is softer and if I try I can open it very slightly.

And before I go here is something I saw today that made me laugh.

Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time...


  1. I like the fog. While on a trip south,my family had spent the night in a motel. I awoke early & looked out the door to see.....legs! Cow legs to be exact but I didn't know it at first. The fog was so thick( in the country) that it was only as it dispersed that the entire cow became visible. Now THAT would have been something for a time lapse camera. I doubt the technology existed as this was many years ago. But....wouldn't it have been something?

    1. Wow that must have been some thick fog! A long time ago I was also traveling south with my cousin Charles and we drove along part of Skyline Drive. I saw some dense fog there. I would love to do that again. Valley Forge gets some nice fog so maybe I'll get some shots there.
