Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24, 2015 - Photo of The Day

When we think about going "to the zoo" we usually think about lions and tigers and bears...Oh My! Sorry, I had to do that. But it is true. We think about big furry animals. Maybe birds too. But today I would like to share three photos I made of some of our smaller friends. Here we have some tiny (but poisonous) frogs.

Believe it or not even though these frogs were not really moving too much they were harder to photograph than the large active zoo animals. The problem is the lighting and shooting through glass. But I think these came out okay.

And of course here is today's "Amaryllis Watch" photo. It's really starting to open now. I would say that it will fully bloom this week.

Thanks for stopping by my friends. Please be sure to stop back soon. I have some cool stuff coming up soon.

Until next time...


  1. It's almost there and it looks like it will be a red and white striped one. The frogs came out really well. It's hard to believe that something so small and pretty is poisonous.

  2. Thanks Kathy! I think you are right. We will see soon.
