Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015 - Photo of The Day

Wow! How about this weather? Spring is really in the air.

As you probably know I like to photograph he Moon. So I was outside tonight scanning the sky and though the Moon has not risen I found this instead.

Now I'm not an astronomer by any means but I believe this to be Venus. If I am not mistaken Venus is usually the brightest "star like" object in the sky aside from the Sun and the Moon. Please do correct me of I am wrong. But no matter what it is I could not resist the composition. Not to mention that it is such a comfortable night to be outside photographing.

And on another subject here is today's "Amaryllis Watch" photo. Assuming it is an Amaryllis that is.

Not much different from yesterday but I think it will start to open soon. I guess we'll just have to wait and see though.

And I'm calling it a day for now. Thanks for stopping by and as always please be sure to come back soon. And enjoy the weather!

until next time...


  1. I looked it up and yes, it is Venus. If you look right below it, you can faintly see Mars. I'm looking forward to that amaryllis opening so I can see what color it is.

    1. Wow! How did I miss that? I do see Mars below and to the right of Venus. The Amaryllis is really getting taller. I think it will open in a few days.

  2. I like the composition too. Thanks for checking,Kathy! To think...those are PLANETS we're seeing! How cool is that?
    Keep clicking!

    1. Thanks Debbie! I think I may be doing some more night sky photos now that it is getting warmer. What I really would like to do is go somewhere that has a little less light pollution and really get some nice clear shots of the stars and planets.
