Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 21, 2015 - Photo of The Day

The snow is gone and it feels like Spring again. Well at least there is no more snow falling. There is still a lot on the ground but it is melting. Hopefully in a few more days it will all be gone. 

With the weather change I though it would be nice to take a trip to the local zoo. And I was right! It was just warm enough to be outdoors for a long period of time but it was also wet enough that the zoo was not crowded at all. And above all most of the animals were active. I shot a lot of photos and it will take a while to go through all of them. But I did process a few and would like to share them with you. These are all photos of the American Bald Eagles that call the zoo home. Except for the first. The first shot is of another bird. A vulture in fact. You see the zoo had been inundated with vultures for a few years now. It's almost like they are an exhibit but no they just "live" there. And it does take it's toll. This first image is evidence of this toll. And it's not pretty.

As you can see the vulture is eating. It's eating one of the Koi that live in the pond in the Eagle exhibit. This one was not so fortunate and became someone's lunch. But I suppose it's just nature.

Okay enough of that. Here are the Bald Eagles.

This guy was a little noisy. I was going to do a video but as soon as I got my phone out he shut up. Oh well maybe next time.

Here are a few more shots.

And since I couldn't get the Eagle to "talk" on video here is a bird that was happy to speak his mind. Click the link below.

Chatty Owl <<< Click Here

And finally here is today's "Amaryllis Watch" photo. We are really getting close now.

And that's all for today. Be sure to check back real soon for more of our trip to the zoo.

Until next time...


  1. That eagle really had his eye on you! Or was he just making sure you got his 'good side'? Ha ha Great shots! Any lions?

    1. Thanks Debbie! I got lots of shots of the eagles and many other animals but they don't have any lions at Elmwood. They do however have a cougar and jaguar. I'll be sharing them soon.
