Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 1, 2015 - Photo of The Day

Hi all and welcome to March! We are just a little over two weeks until Spring and here we have yet another snow/ice/freezing rain storm. Old Man Winter just doesn't give up does he? 

Early this morning before the latest weather event started I managed to get out and shoot for a couple of hours. I didn't go too far but I did grab some shots I have wanting to do for a while. Especially before the temperatures warm up. I will be sharing them over the next few days and to start off I would like to show you this.

This is the Schuylkill River shot from the DeKalb Street Bridge that connects Bridgeport, Pennsylvania and Norristown, Pennsylvania. And that is just a handful of the geese that were down there. They were everywhere. I wanted to get this shot before all of the ice melted. There was actually a lot more than this a week ago but I didn't have the opportunity to photograph it at the time.

I also shot a few videos while I was out. Again I will share them over the next few days but for now check this one out.

Schuylkill River Falls <<<Click Here

And that will do it for today folks. Stay warm wherever you are and remember better weather is just around the corner. Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time...


  1. There must be thousands of geese down there!

  2. Love the geese! I can understand when you want to just 'shoot',to capture the moment. It's great you have the gift for that. Me?
    Not so much. So I simply enjoy yours! Thanks for sharing! And I really liked the moon shot!

    1. Thanks for the very kind words Debbie! The most rewarding part of my photography is the enjoyment of others. Thanks so much for reading my blog and I hope you come back often. Have a great day!
