Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - July 7, 2015

Anyone who frequents my Daily View knows that I tend to post a lot of squirrel photos. And today I am continuing that tradition with this.

I was outside shooting some frames with the intent of using one of the completed shots for today's photo when this guy came along. He (or she?) is one of our regulars. He is the one that comes to our door and waits for me to give him peanuts. Well I had some peanuts leftover and put them on that railing he is sitting on and as you can see he helped himself. He is not a shy or proud squirrel. But that's okay. He is welcome here any time.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. I never tire of seeing the squirrels! It's quite a 'logistic' problem when they are faced with more peanuts than they can carryor fit
    in their mouth. You can almost see them puzzling....
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. They may have to work at it but somehow they always find a way. Very resourceful!
