Sunday, July 19, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - July 19, 2015

Hi my friends and welcome to the Exploration Photography Daily View! What a busy weekend it has been. And very warm too. But I am not complaining. I may have said it before but after the cold Winter we had here this is a welcome change.

Last night Kim and I took a drive down to Kennett Square, Pennsylvania and visited one of our favorite places. Longwood Gardens. From now through part of October they are presenting Nightscape. Nightscape is a light and sound show that starts after dark and is just amazing. In standard Longwood style they go all out to create a show that should really be seen live to properly appreciate it. But fear not. I recorded a few videos that give at least a little glimpse. And I will be sharing them over the next few days in the Daily View. And speaking of the Daily View here is today's.

Longwood by night is a completely different place than it is during daylight hours. Nature tends to be more active. As we were walking from one presentation to another we could here frogs calling back and forth to each other in the marsh. It was pitch black and kind of cool and eerie at the same time. And when we reached the end of the marsh I saw someone photographing something on the ground. Of course I had to check it out and when I did I found this frog. Now remember that it was pitch dark. This was shot with my phone's camera and I had use the flash. I am just glad I didn't spook the poor guy.

And now how about one of those videos? This was shot in the Palm Room located in the Conservatory at the beginning of the presentation. It's about a minute long but should give you a good idea of what Nightscape is like.

And that does it for today folks. I am glad you stopped by and hope to see you again real soon!

Until next time...


  1. Love this whole post! The frog is a little eerie color -wise but the video is so cool. Similar to (or is it?) fiber optics. The changing
    colors,shifting among the branches & ferns.....great capture! Two thumbs up!

    1. Thanks Debbie! No fiber optics. It is a projected light show. Wait until you see some ion the other videos. The choreography is amazing. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Kathy! It really was a great show. I wish everyone could see it live.
