Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Walk In The Park...Valley Forge Park

Hi There! It's been a while since I last shared a "full" post hasn't it? I just seem to run out of time or energy or both. But I am coming off of a three day weekend and finally have one for you.

Saturday was of course Independence Day here in America. So what better to share with you than my recent trip to Valley Forge National Park. But these aren't your normal tourist photos. No, I wanted to do something a little different. You see, when I was at the park on Friday it was jam packed with people looking at things like the Memorial Arch and wooden cabins and of course the various statues scattered throughout. What did I do? I headed for the woods. Here is some of what I saw.

I grabbed this first shot before heading for the wooded trails and it is of course "My favorite Tree".

And here are the rest. Don't forget that you can click on any image for a larger view.

Steps leading to the wooded trails.

Just a log.

I love the way the sunlight lit these up.

Here's something I never saw before. It looks like a giant slab of quartz. There are actually a few of them.

In this next photo I was trying to shoot from a different perspective. I sat the camera on a rail and used the self timer to trip the trigger. I kind of like it.

This scene makes a perfect frame for Saint Gabriel's Hall in the distance.

A second naked tree?

This last shot is comprised of five separate frames thanks to the magic of Photoshop.

And there you have it folks. My Friday trip to Valley Forge. I hope you enjoyed it. I know I did! I have to go for now but I'll be back real soon. In fact I should be back in a little bit with the Daily View. And I think it's a good one.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Each picture was better than the one before. I couldn't pick a favorite. Beautiful!

  2. I agree with Kathy. The perspectives made the difference. I can see why you like that tree. Character? I think the quartz may resemble the Horta from Star Trek. The moss? The one closest to the camera looks like a footprint. The 'just a log'? How about a restful seat for weary hikers? I think I may be picking up a bit of 'perspective' of my own from your photos.
    Have a beautiful day!
