Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - June 23, 2015

Wow! Did we get some weather today or what? The day started out hot and very humid. I felt like I was swimming at some points. But as the afternoon turned to evening the storms rolled in. And rolled in with a vengeance. Naturally as a service to you this reporter was out there  recording the wrath of nature in all it's splendor. Well at least for a couple of minutes. My Mom didn't raise any fools and I was smart enough to come in out of the rain. So I do have a video to share but first let's have a look at today's Daily View which ironically was shot after the storm.

If all of that "red sky at night" stuff is real I guess the weather should be calm tonight. Very peaceful looking isn't it? Well it certainly didn't start that way. Check out my storm video at the link below.

A Tuesday Storm <<< Click Here

Thanks for stopping by my friends. And if you have to go out in the rain please stay safe.

Until next time...


  1. Wasn't that storm awful? My yard is a wreck with things blown all over the place. Have to get out there today and clean up. But that sky! I got some great shots of it too. It was incredible. Your photo is really good.

    1. We got some high winds and a ton of rain but otherwise lucked out. There are some nearby neighborhoods that got hit harder. Some won't have electricity for days.That sky was incredible though wasn't it?! Joe was nice enough to call and make sure I didn't miss it. Tell him thanks!

  2. You are one intrepid photographer! Love the video. I saw lightening BOLTS out my front door & Russ saw downed trees on his bus ride home. BIG trees! In the city. The storm had it's own beauty but I also like the photo.
    Keep shooting & sharing!
    ps Did the Cafe & 'house' survive?

    1. Thanks Debbie! It sure was some storm. I saw some bolts too but still don't know what I caught on video. I had the action cam set on a tripod and recorded for about an hour. Now I have to through it. I'm glad Russ got home okay. Very scary on the road I'm sure. I am also happy to say that the Cafe and condo survived and were being used very shortly after the rain stopped.
