Sunday, June 14, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - June 14, 2015

Hi there and welcome (or welcome back) to the Exploration Photography Daily View! It feels like my last post was days ago because I did it early yesterday. Kim and I were traveling to Baltimore, Maryland for the day and I wasn't sure what time I was going to get home. And I'm glad I did it early because we got home just before midnight. It was a great day and I got tons of photos and would like to share one with you. And it is a very special photo.

This is three steel beams from the North Tower of the World Trade Center that was viciously attacked on September 11, 2001. A day that changed not only our lives here in the United States but the entire world. Like many visitors before me I touched the twisted beams and it was surreal. It is a piece of history. History I hope we never have to relive. History that I hope we learned from.

If you find yourself in Baltimore I urge you to visit the Baltimore World Trade Center where this memorial is located.

Thanks for stopping by my friends.

Until next time...


  1. The photo gave me a chill. I was at work near the airport of all places. Fear & uncertainty pervaded the offices....While I'd like to think so, I am not sure if we learned anything. I feel the terrorists win again (in a way) every time one flies. I do understand the need for security but at the same time a bottle of water is confiscated & to have water I need to pay $3.00+ on the "other side" of security.And we remember why.... We remember the people who lost their lives....and the heroes including a guide dog who led his owner & others down the stairwell to safety......
    Let us pray for wisdom & peace.

    1. Hi Debbie. I don't think I could say it any better than you just did. I hope we have learned something but as a whole I am afraid we did not. We learned to be scared and being scared is what the terrorists want. Hence the name "terrorists". We have lost a lot of freedom. And a lot of trust. I remember about a year after the 9/11 attacks I was in Washington DC and it took me about 10 minutes just to enter the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. I understand that the enhanced security is for my safety though. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
