Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 30, 2014 - Photo Of The Day

The end of September has arrived and it's that time of the year when plants and flowers die off and the ground becomes covered with falling leaves. But in the midst of this something interesting is happening right in my own backyard. Wildflowers. Now there may only be a few stragglers at full bloom but there is also a lot of buds. I suppose that as long as the weather remains somewhat moderate and the frost stays away they will also come to bloom.

I know that I have posted a similar photo before but hey, who doesn't like a little reminder of summertime? I had a little fun with this one. I hope you like how it came out.

I rarely use the flash on my camera. On board flashes are not generally a photographers friend but that is a topic for a future post. For this however I used the flash to darken the background. It also let me use a lower ISO (Film Speed) and in turn reduce noise (Grain). This was shot at the beginning of dusk and there was a lot of light from the day left. What do you think?

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Until next time...


  1. Love this picture. May I remind you that Christmas is coming. I had no idea I could do that with a flash. I'm going to try it.

  2. I like when you give tips on how you got your results. :)

    1. Thanks Elaine. I will be incorporating more of that in upcoming posts.
