Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 16, 2014 - Photo Of The Day

While out on a photo shoot there is something I sometimes do that often yields great results. Something really simple yet not as common as it should be. I turn around. I can be shooting an amazing subject but I turn around and get the best photo of the day. This is not always the case but is is something that sometimes works. More often though the image I am able to create is good in it's own right but not necessarily better than my main subject. I believe that to be the case with today's photo.

This was shot from the same place I shot the sunrise photo I shared yesterday. Just in a different direction. I feel that this came out well but I still like the sunrise better. Others may feel differently and that is the great thing about photography and actually all art. It is subjective. That is a great thing!

What is your opinion? I would love to hear it.

Please take a moment and check out some more of my photography here if you like. Thanks so much for stopping by.

Until next time...


  1. It is a real interesting shot, but I like the sun rise also

    1. Thanks! I agree. I think the lines and the composition are good but I still like the sunrise better.
