Saturday, January 9, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - January 9, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

I am still working on a review of sorts for the camera in my Samsung Galaxy S6. But though I may not be done with that little project doesn't mean that I am not using some images I have made with this awesome portable shooter. In fact yesterday's candle photo was made using my phone. And today I would like to share these beautiful cacti with you.

Shot naturally at Longwood Gardens this is just a sampling of some of the warmer variety of plants they have to offer in the Conservatory. I have said it before but it's worth repeating that if you ever get the chance you really should take a tour of Longwood. It's an amazing place.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Unique shot! Reminded me of a group of people waiting for someone to speak(on the rock.) I really like it.
