Friday, January 22, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - January 22, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

The big one is upon us my friends. The first real snow storm of the season and according to most forecasts we are getting at least 18 inches of the horrid white stuff. And I am sure I will have plenty of photos to share real soon but for now I would prefer to look back at a sunnier and warmer time.

This is an aerial view of Ocean City New Jersey from August 2015. I shot this from a Ferris Wheel and I can tell you that it sure was warm. Probably about 85° or so.

I haven't forgotten about the Weekly Roundup but it's going to be a day late. So be sure to check back!

Thanks for stopping by and if you have to go out in the snow please be careful!

Until next time...


  1. Can't wait for the photos! It's really blowing up around Philly. It's 7 am & none of the dogs are thrilled to go potty in this. Considering the wind,guess the Cafe is closed.....
