Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - January 27, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

It was another warm one today. Relatively speaking that is. And the snow is sure dwindling away. Even the Cafe is starting to clear up.

Wow what a mess! It looks like I need to get out there and do some sprucing up. But at least we stayed open for the duration of the storm. I am glad too because during the cold months our local wildlife need to eat as much as possible to keep up their strength and to stay warm. But this is also a time when food is scarce. So I just try to do my part to help them out. And if it provides some photo ops that's even better :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. I thank the Lord for people like you & others who feed God's creatures. Someone needs to. We had some saltines go stale & you should've seen the crowd of birds for THAT feast! Even the pieces that landed on the snow piles! Everybody had a bit that day. Thanks for the photo!

    1. Thanks Debbie :) Every little bit helps and I am sure your birds were very grateful :)
