Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - August 5, 2015

Welcome to the Daily View!

It's getting late and I am beat. But the work week is more than half over and the weather is getting a bit "friendlier" so we have that going for us. Yesterday I shared a photo of the Sun shining through our neighbor's tree. I got that shot while I was shooting some flowers and birds in our yard. Today I would like to one of the flowers with you.

This is one of our Vincas. I love these flowers. They are so resilient and can take a lot of sun and heat. They even do okay if I forget to water them every now and then.

And hey how about a quick video? I shot this after work today. It's one of our squirrels enjoying an afternoon peanut.

And that's all for now. But I'll be back real soon. I hope to see you here at the blog!

Until next time...


  1. I know how you feel about vincas. I feel the same about my coleus. I get them every spring at Greensgrow (a farm / co-op) that carries rarer colors. With names like Neptune's Net, Gater Teeth and Trusty Rusty. Really cool!
    Thanks for my daily dose of Squirrel!

    1. I also find geraniums to be hardy in bright hot sunlight. I'll have to check out some different flowers next year. I have plenty more squirrel pics to share. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love vincas too. I had a lot planted a few years ago, but didn't get any this year. My poor yard has been neglected something awful. I love the color of these.

    1. Gardens sure do take a lot of time to maintain. I work kin ours several days a week and there is always something to do. I also have some white vincas that I'll try to share in a future post but I really like these.
