Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - August 11, 2015

Hi and welcome my friends!

Here at Exploration Photography I share a lot of images of our local wildlife with a strong emphasis on birds and squirrels. And flowers. Lots and lots of flowers. But today I would like to share this.

After all without these little guys there would be no flowers. We have always had a decent number of bees but now that I have added a hummingbird feeder to the Cafe those numbers have gone way up. And I couldn't be more pleased. I understand more and more every day how one part of nature works with other parts. By adding that feeder I have attracted hummingbirds. To attract more hummingbirds I added more flowers. I have also attracted more bees and those bees will help produce more flowers. It's a big circle. And how about the other birds that frequent the Cafe? They also help keep the insect population down. The squirrels? Well if nothing else they provide lot's of entertainment. Isn't nature awesome?!

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Do I hear 'Circle of Life' playing in the background? Ok, I am a huge fan of Lion King, but it's so true. "We are all part of the great circle of like". Nature & it's Creator are both very awesome!
    Enjoy a beautiful day!

  2. Yes, everything plays off of the other. It's wonderful that it works that way.

    1. Yes it is. It also demonstrates how damaging one part can have a serious impact on another. I know a lot of people that would get rid of the bees and then wonder why there are no flowers or why vegetables are expensive.
