Saturday, October 3, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - October 3, 2015

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

Well I was going to roll out some cool changes (additions really) today but I simply ran out of time. Kim and I have been very busy these past couple of weekends. A few posts back I mentioned that I was going to change up my Friday posts but have since decide to do Saturday instead. Friday is kind of tough being a work day. But it will have to wait until next week.

It's been pretty rainy and wet around here for the past few days and I didn't get out to shoot today so I am sharing a shot from about a week or so ago. And it's a squirrel! Surprised huh?

Until next time...


  1. Dennie and I saw a squirrrel the other day and both said, "Where's Larry?" You have a reputation now.

    1. That's supposed to be "Debbie" and I. Darn that Kindle.

    2. It's not the worst reputation I suppose :)

  2. Surprised? Not really. I really like the little guys. (ps I think Kathy meant to say 'Debbie' not Dennie)
