Thursday, October 22, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - October 22, 2015

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

Well it seems that the warm weather isn't quite ready to vacate for the Winter. We reached highs in the upper 70's today and boy was it nice. In fact it is about 7 PM as I write this and it is still 73° F out. And I had the day off from work! So what better to do than take a trip to our local zoo. I got there around noon and many of the animals were resting but I did manage to grab some nice shots. And you can see one of them right now.

I wonder what he's thinking about? Maybe he sees a meal?

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. I've often wondered that about the animals in our zoo. My guess? They wonder what odd creatures we are to be staring at THEM! Ha ha!

  2. I always feel sorry for the animals in the cages. I hope they are treated well. This is a gorgeous picture of the eagle.

    1. The eagles actually have a quite nice exhibit that is very spacious. In fact so do most of their animals. And they do treat them very well at Elmwood.
