Friday, October 16, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - October 16, 2015

Hi and welcome to the Exploration Photography Daily View!

Yesterday I shared a little bit of Autumn as seen at the Pawlings Farm Trail section of Valley Forge National Park. Specifically some fallen leaves of the "Witness Tree". Today I would like to share the entire tree.

It's a big one isn't it? I guess being around for nearly 300 years it's gonna be big. And there is every sign that this old guy will be around for many more years. I'll share some examples with you in a future post.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Those branches really reach out,don't they? Wonder what made it twist & turn in each direction like that......

    1. I think it's probably because it was never pruned. Most people nowadays would cut off the lower branches so I guess they just grew along the ground over the 300 years it has been there. And now there are even more branches growing out of the one's on the ground. Of course I got some photos.
