Monday, December 7, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - December 7, 2015

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

I was home from work today and spent most of it getting things cleaned up around the house and also tackling some holiday stuff. I did have to run out to the store briefly and after returning home realized I forgot something in my car. So I headed out to grab it and saw this.

A beautiful bird but I'm afraid he's preying on the smaller birds that dine at the Cafe. But I suppose it's all part of nature. I did a little reading on the subject and learned a few things. Firstly a hawk such as this one has a 10% success rate in catching it's prey. That gives the smaller birds a good chance of survival. And second he only eats an average of two birds a day and not just from one site. And third that me having feeders that attract the hawk's prey does not mean I am putting the small birds in danger. It just makes everything visible to me. It would happen anyway.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Beautiful hawk! You do have a lot of trees & shrubs where the birds can hide. The hawk,while a excellent hunter,could probably not maneuver around the feeder. I think your guests are fairly safe.

    1. For the most part they are safe though according to mt neighbor he did get one about two weeks ago. Glad I wasn't there to see it.
