Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4, 2014 - Photo Of The Day

On Sunday morning the clocks here in the U.S. went back one hour and we are now on Standard Time. that means the Sun is rising earlier but it also means that it sets earlier too. And it doesn't help that the days are getting shorter as we approach Winter. Just last week it was nice and sunny and bright on my 4:30 PM drive home from work. Now it's getting dark.

On my way home today there were no cars behind me so I was able to stop quickly and snap a picture with my camera phone. It is the setting sun and was shot from a bridge that crosses over the Pennsylvania Turnpike

Not the best view but it was the only one I had.

Now I have a question for you. How did yesterday's photo look to you? I mean in general. It looks good to me on my home computer but when I viewed it at work there was a color ring around the moon. It also seemed to be brighter than it should. For comparison here is a link to the same photo.

And once again I am sharing a time lapse of this morning's sunrise. One of these days it will be nice and clear and we will get a good one. I am trying to record it daily for a bit so I can try out some different settings in Lapse It Pro.

That about does it for today. Thanks as always for visiting and please come back soon. I have lots to share. And since I haven't mentioned it for a while please check out the blog's Facebook Group here. Feel free to comment and share. I want this to become an interactive medium.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I like your time lapse videos. It's cool to watch the sun rise and everything get lighter.
