Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014 - Photo Of The Day

It's "retro Friday" again and today I would like to share a photo I shot in March of 2000 in Tijuana, Mexico. For those who have never been to Mexico or even if you have been and it was a place like Cancun I would like to tell you that Tijuana is a bit different. And nowadays with the rise in crime and drugs I don't know that I would go back there again. In 2000 however I felt fairly safe. As long as I didn't travel off of Revolution Blvd. The tourist area.

The most I ever encountered in Tijuana was persistent, VERY persistent street vendors and shop workers. I learned quickly that you don't pay the asking price for anything. Dickering is part of the experience. And I would also like to tell you that at the local bus station I found the absolute cleanest public restroom I have ever seen. Anywhere. It cost a Quarter but is was worth it. 

As a whole I must say that most of the people I met were very nice and I had no problems whatsoever. I find that as long as I am pleasant and courteous I usually receive the same in return. And I always kept in mind that though I was literally within a mile and a half of San Diego that I was indeed in Mexico and should respect their laws and customs and most of all the people. And one more thing before I present today's photo I would like to say that I feel very fortunate to live where I do. I know that we are not a perfect nation and we have our problems but  when you see children on the streets begging for money it sets you back a little. It felt really good to see that seal on the floor of the U.S. Customs building that says "Welcome To The United States Of America".

And here is today's photo.

Now I like tacos. I like them a lot and I am a fan of Taco Bell but something tells me that this is not quite the same. I did not try one. I will say however that it smelled good as I walked by. I just couldn't bring myself to do it though.

Thank you so much for checking out my blog. I hope you enjoyed your visit and come back soon.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this "Taco Bell" when I was in the Marine Corps back in the mid nineties. From my picture of it, I can see that it changed just a bit in this picture. There's a Vice News article that mentions it and shows it with a very different look.
