Friday, November 28, 2014

November 28, 2014 - Photo of The Day (And A Few Extra)

Over the last few Friday's I have been posting "retro" pictures. I started doing this because Fridays are usually busy and also to share some of my earlier work. And it also let's me see and share with you how I have changed in technique over the years. Today however I had off from work and had time to go out and shoot a little. That is after some quick shopping.

Today I am doing another "pick your own" photo of the day. That means I am posting a few shots and I'll let you pick your favorite. How's that sound?

I shot these on my way home when I drove through Valley Forge. I wanted to get some pictures while there was still some snow on the ground.

So there you have it folks. Which one do you like best? Let me know in the comments and thanks for visiting. Be sure to come back soon.

Until next time...


  1. I like number 1 the best. Number 2 is our famous no leaf tree. Number 3 is a little to dark.

  2. I like #3 and then #4 best.....

  3. I like number 3.

  4. Thanks everyone for their input. I am stuck between 1, 2 and 3 myself. Believe it or not shot number 1 took me about an hour to finish. I kept adjusting it and not liking it. When I thought I was done I walked away for about 20 minutes and came back to it to make sure I liked it. I will post the original on the Facebook Group. In case you haven't visited it you can find it at

  5. Not really a big deal but I just noticed that I posted this as "November 29". I have corrected it to "November 28".
