Saturday, February 17, 2018

Welcome To The Saturday View

Today I had planned on getting out and doing some shooting. I had a few ideas but as it turns out I didn't do any of them. We just ran out of daylight after our errands were run. And then on our way home from the supermarket it started to snow. As we drove home I noticed how cool the light from the streetlamps looked as the snow fell in front of them. And then I remembered a snapshot I had made one evening last year while Kim and I walked our dog around our neighborhood. There was a little fog that evening and the streetlamp around the corner from us looked pretty cool surrounded by it. Put one and one together and it equals me walking around the corner with my phone this evening and creating an updated version of that very scene. And here it is. And it sure was a slippery walk.

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I did some very minor adjustments including converting it to black and white. There really wasn't much color anyway aside from a slight yellowish glow from the lamp. Oh and on a side note I made an official measurement of the snow about fifteen minutes ago and we got about an inch and a half so far.

Here is Yesterday's View...

Friday February 16, 2018

That's all for today. Enjoy the snow if you get any. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...

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