Monday, September 14, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - September 14, 2015

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

I was a little uncertain this morning about the sunrise. There were clouds at the horizon and it looked like I may not be able to get a good shot. I wasn't able to see the Sun as it first rose above the ocean but as it turns out I was able to get a great shot of it peeking through the clouds. Even better if you ask me!

I am zoomed in very tightly on his shot so the reds really come through. You can't see a lot of the ocean but you can however see the Sun's reflection along with that of some of the clouds.

Thanks for stopping by my friends and please be sure to come back soon. I have a lot of good stuff to share.

Until next time...


  1. I think I like the clouds over it better than a reflection shot.....though you do both well. Either way,it's impressive.
