Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Wednesday View - 11 May 2022 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Today's view has been more than two years in the making. In fact probably more than  three years. To be more accurate it's more like two to three years of waiting. We have a few Orchids that I have been taking care of for quite a while now. Basically making sure they have been watered but not over watered and making sure they get enough sun. And though they have not flowered for a long time the plants themselves remain healthy with nice roots and strong green leaves. So as such I have patiently looked after them. Then one day last week I noticed buds appearing. And as the days went on those buds got bigger. Then finally yesterday a couple started to open. And today I am fortunate enough to be able to share this photo that I shot this afternoon.

I shot a lot more than this and will of course share some of them later. I will also be shooting more as more buds open.

How long until it buds again? Who knows? For now though I'm just enjoying what I have. Now if I could get the others to bloom.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. So beautiful. I wonder what took it so long to bloom.

    1. Not sure. But I hope it doesn't take another two or three years

  2. Orchids are beautiful & I am so happy they bloomed for you. Just like people, I
    guess some are late bloomers, lol

    1. Yes they are. It did bloom once upon a time but just took a long time to bloom again. I'll have to read up a little on orchids
