Saturday, August 6, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - August 6, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

We get a lot of guests here at the Cafe. Mostly birds and squirrels. On occasion we will see a groundhog and even a skunk every now and again. I even saw a possum once. But we also see a lot of bees and some wasps. Check out who visited today.

I shot this with my phone so I am glad he was docile.

This evening Kim and I headed out to dinner at P F Chang's in Collegeville Pennsylvania and on our trip home we happened upon a rather heavy downpour of rain. Take a look at the video below to see what it was like driving through it.

Continuing with my "Things I've seen" category I would like to share this with you.

I sure don't want to run into whatever bit the corner off of this sign!

And now...

Yesterday's View...

Friday August 5, 2016

And that's all for now my friends. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. The sound of the rain hitting the windshield sounds really bad. Sorry if I don't choose to get 'up close' with your olose up today. Thanks for the view!

    1. It was pretty bad but sounded far worse than it was. I get up close so you don't have to :)
