Sunday, August 14, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - August 14, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

Yesterday I told you that I didn't get out to shoot because of the very hot temperatures we are having here as of lately. So in lieu of something "new" I shared another photo from the Cafe. Well right after that post went live I decided to take a look out on our back deck to see what the sky looked like and to my surprise it was rather clear. For days it has been rather hazy. Also to my delight I saw that the Moon was shining nice and bright. So despite the nasty humidity I set up my camera real quick and shot off a bunch of frames of our closest celestial neighbor. I worked with a few of them and finally decided to share this one with you. I'm not 100% pleased with it but I think it's okay.

I captured a lot of detail but there is just something that could be better. Still though like I said I thinks it's okay.

This morning while the weather was a bit friendlier I decided to set up in the Cafe and grab some video. What follows is just the first part of a longer video. I'll share more in my next post.

And now...

Yesterday's View...

Saturday August 13, 2016

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Like the video. Busy place! Bird has the right idea about staying cool. I'm a couple days behind but I totally love the close up of the sparrow (?). I could almost feel the texture of the feathers....good catch!

    1. Sorry for the rather late reply. Yes it was a very warm day and this guy had the right idea! The funny thing is that i shot a lot of frames and after going through them I like this one the best. Of course it happens to be the very first shot. Funny how it works out that way :)
