Saturday, August 27, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - August 27, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

What does one do on a hot and very humid day? Head right out into it and bring his camera along, that's what! Kim and I took a drive to Black Rock Sanctuary this afternoon for a stroll through it's footpaths and to get a little closer to some of our local nature. And of course I captured a lot of good stuff with my camera. Or should I say cameras.

Last weekend I picked up yet another film camera. But this one is special. It's one that I have wanted for many years. Though it is not an uncommon model it somehow eluded me. But last Saturday I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. The camera is a Canon AE-1. And it is super clean and as far as I can tell fully functioning. I won't know for sure until I get the first roll of film developed but I have high hopes.

Okay, this isn't my best picture but it's the only good one I have of my newest find. The cool thing about it is it consists of three generations of camera. The Canon AE-1 35mm film camera in my hand, My Canon DSLR around my neck and the camera I shot this with in my other hand. My Samsung Galaxy S6 camera phone.

So since I haven't developed my first roll of film yet I am sharing a photo from my DSLR. I sot this along a river bank at Black Rock.

One of many dragonflies I saw today. I guess if there is something special about this particular one is that I nearly got stuck in some rather nasty mud while shooting this. And while I didn't get stuck It was sure a mess.

And now...

Yesterday's View...

Friday August 26, 2016

And that's all for today folks. But I have a lot more to share so please be sure to come back real soon. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. You are going to have a lot of fun with your cameras now. My son who is on FaceBook has a lot of pictures of Dragonflies. He loves to take pictures of wild life. His name is Chad Arment. He is an author, editor and publisher and has an interest in photography. If you are on FB, you could message him. He belongs to a photography club here in town and he belongs to a bird club.

    1. Yes I am! I'll have to look your son up on Facebook and check out some of his work. Thanks!

  2. Good heavens! Reminds me of the wild west gunfighters who wore the cross chest bullets.You are truly
    ready to 'shoot'! ha ha!
