Saturday, August 13, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - August 13, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

It was another hot day my friends. And I mean hot! At one point the outside thermometer on our car was registering 102° F (Approximately 38° C). But I will still take it over the cold of Winter. So in light of this pure nastiness I did not get out to shoot a whole lot. But I did set up in the Cafe and shot off a few hundred frames and I think I got some pretty good stuff. And for today's photo I would like to share with you this bird who was trying to make the best of this hot and humid day.

He was one of many that took advantage of our bird bath fountain. Some bathed and some drank. It got so much traffic that I had to change the water four times. But I don't mind. It's a small price to pay for the hundreds of great photo ops they have provided me over the years. And it is also my way of giving back to our wildlife that have had so much taken away due to the selfishness and ignorance of others. Oh I could tell you some stories of things I have witnessed but I like to keep this a friendly blog.

Now onto "Things I have seen". I am still working on this and will be doing some tweaking. And today' photo isn't really weird or anything. It's just something that amused me when I saw it. This was shot yesterday when I was picking up lunch for myself and a few people at work.

This if course refers to the year 2000 when there was an hysteria of sorts caused by the belief of many that  the computers we rely on every day would suddenly fail as the clock struck midnight and the world went from 1999 to 2000. There was concerns that all kinds of bad things would happen such as our power grids going down and planes falling from the sky to people losing their savings because bank computers would erase accounts. Of course none of  this stuff happened and we went on as usual. I never had a doubt :) 

Oh, and to state the obvious this cash register is a manual type that I would guess is fifty or so years old. It has a crank so it probably doesn't use electricity at all. No computer, no problems I suppose.

And now...

Yesterday's View...

Friday August 12, 2016

And that's a wrap my friends. Thanks as always for stopping by! And if you like my blog please feel free to share it with others who may also enjoy it. The more the merrier!

Until next time...

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