Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29, 2015 - Photo Of The Day

With all of the snow I have been sharing with you lately I thought it might be a nice change of pace to see a little sunshine. Looking outside now you wouldn't know that we had such a beautiful morning. It was cold. About 10° cold. But the sun was shining and the sky was awesome. I hope that the photo that I am sharing conveys that beauty. 

One of the hard parts of working with the raw files that come out of my camera is knowing when they have had enough adjustments. I will often look at a "finished" product and literally have to walk away for a bit and go back later to decide if I really like the outcome. In most of my work I try to faithfully reproduce the scene as I saw it while also adding a little personal touch. I hope that I have accomplished that today. Please have a look and let me know what you think. I'm really on the fence about this one.

Thanks for checking out my blog and please be sure to stop back again. Also check out the Facebook Group.

Until next time...


  1. My vote is a 'Like"! It is beautiful. Many of us have nowhere near the skill (& art) to capture what you do. You have a gift. I'm glad to hear that 'you walk away'. I shudder to think what may lie on your cutting room floor.While I respect your critique,I ask that you judge with 'Did I enjoy the view? Did it bring me pleasure?' The beauty is what matters. Sharing it with others is God's gift to you.
    Please continue to share. Stay warm!

  2. Thank you Debbie! You are very kind :) And you are right, it is the beauty that really maters. I will definitely continue to share as long as there are others who enjoy what I share.

  3. This to me is perfect. The sun and sky are the colorful parts of the shot while the bottom conveys the cold of the snowy world. I can feel the coming of a new day in a cold world. That speaks volumes to me.

    1. Thanks Kathy! That is what I was going for. I tried to keep the viewers attention on the sun and the center of the sky.
