Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28, 2015 - Photo of The Day

The other day while I was out shooting in the snow I grabbed a few shots of a man made lake that is located in all places a corporate park. Okay it was a lot more than a few shots but you know what I mean. I am still going over what I captured but would like to share this with you today.

This was created using five exposures that were combined in Photoshop. I will post the originals on The Facebook Group located here. Please check it out. 

Thanks as always for stopping by.

Until next time...


  1. I don't understand how you combine things, but this is stunning. I saw the originals on fb and I wouldn't have thought to put them all together.

    1. Thanks Kathy! That's the magic of Photoshop :) I often do this when I can't get the whole scene into the frame of my camera.
