Saturday, May 2, 2015

Exploration Photpgraphy Daily View - May 2, 2015

Welcome to the new (sort of) and improved (I hope) Exploration Photography. I say new but what I am really doing is streamlining and adding a little structure. These little changes will make it a lot easier for me to get my daily posts out and also bring you more in-depth articles. Here is what I am going to do:

Every day I will post a "Daily View". Basically a photo of the day. This will be one photo and a small description.

In addition to the Daily View I may share a video but not necessarily every day.

On Sunday I will share a larger post which will consist of multiple photos and more of a written article. This will be in addition to a Daily View.

Depending on the amount of new content on hand and of course time I may also share an additional large post during the week.

Please understand that this is how I will start but I may fine tune things a bit as time goes on. And I would love to hear your suggestions and opinions on how things are looking to you. This is your blog too because without you there would be no reason for me to post my photos. So please feel free to contact me with your thoughts. And that brings me to one more thing.

If you enjoy the blog I would be grateful if you could share it with your friends and family. But only if you feel comfortable doing so. If not that's fine too. I am just glad that you enjoy my photos and take a small amount of time out of your day to stop by. I truly appreciate it.

Now how about that "Daily View"?

Click For Larger View

The Sun viewed from Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. We were taking a break from our walk around the grounds and I looked up and saw this.

Thanks for visiting and have a great day my friends!

Until next time...


  1. Sounds like a plan. I think it'll be easier for you to focus on one photo (the 'streamline' you spoke of?) rather than a daily "display'. You may also want to consider an occasional 'awww' moment of one of the cats or your dog. If you're this good with nature,
    the pets pics should be adorable! Look how famous Grumpy Cat is! (He actually has a book in our library!)You never know....
    In the 80's this week.....enjoy!

    1. Hi Debbie! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the idea. I might just post some pics of our pets. The cats are easy but the dog is another story. When I get the camera out he won't stand still and he turns his head away. I get the occasional lucky shot though. Enjoy the weather!
