Monday, May 4, 2015

Exploration Photography Daily View - May 4, 2015

Welcome to today's Daily View.

Shot yesterday afternoon. One of our many (and I mean many) feathered friends at the watering hole after a big meal at the cafe.

Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time...


  1. Love the bird checking out the other 'bird'! Ha ha! We have a metal dog statue at the back of the PSPCA, near the dog runs. Every dog goes up for a curious sniff.Then they look puzzled & confused when there is no scent....Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Debbie! The birds sure do love that bird bath/watering hole/fountain. Tough I'm not sure about the fountain part this year. I'm just waiting for the squirrels to discover it. I hope they don't knock it over.
