Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sunday View - 3 April 2022 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

I wanted to share a squirrel or at least some kind of wildlife today but the weather and just plain timing made that difficult. So instead I'm sharing another picture of one of our tulips. This one isn't quite open yet and is still nestled within it's leaves. But in addition to a picture I am sharing a very cool video I made this afternoon. And the video does feature a squirrel. I have a waterproof GoPro camera that I was able to sit on a deck rail near two of our feeders to capture some great footage. The video is about 8 minutes or so long. A little longer than I wanted but I had to keep it at that length to show you two cool things. First at about 10 seconds in the squirrel sees and checks out the camera. Then a few minutes later it starts to hale pretty hard. The little guy stuck it out though. Check it out below.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Video is so cute! I love his reaction to the camera!

    1. I'm lucky he didn't knock out over. It was just sitting on the fence post. It wouldn't hurt it but I would have missed some good video
