Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - July 20, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

While out photographing the other day I had the opportunity to get up close and personal with some of natures most feared yet also most interesting insects. There was a time when you couldn't get me near one of these little guys but I have grown to be fascinated by them. And I have found that when treated properly there is very little risk of upsetting them. I am of course talking about the all important bee.

As far as I know I am not allergic to bee stings. But the last time I was stung was as a child. Probably about 40 years ago. And I know we can develop allergies as we age. So I will be very careful as I capture them on film (or virtual film).

And now...

Yesterday's View...

Tuesday July 19, 2016

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. I love the detail on the wings. What a great shot!

    1. Thanks! This one was a little scary because there was a lot of them. But luckily they were more interested in the flowers :) And like I said, as long as you treat them right they won't bother you.
