Sunday, July 17, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - July 17, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

Like I told you in yesterday's post Kim and I had a very busy weekend. But it was mostly "fun" busy so that is a good thing. Today as we were out and about we did make time to stop at one of my favorite photographing locations. Jenkins Arboretum in Devon Pennsylvania. Jenkins is very close to our home but for whatever reason we have not been there for quite some time. But we made up for it today because I got lots of good stuff to share with you and I even got to work on my current project. I mentioned about a week or so ago that I was working on a special project but it is going to take a bit of time. But I think it will be pretty cool and possibly a bit enlightening in the end. I hope you think so too when it is done. But enough of that for now. How about today's photo?

I believe today's photo is a first for me. It's one of those subjects that is not really rare but kind of hard to capture. Please have a look.

It's a chipmunk! Jenkins has lots and lots of chipmunks but as you may know they are very fast and very skittish. On top of that I didn't have my long lens and had to make do with my regular walk around lens. But I did my best and think it came out pretty good.

I also shot a few videos today and would like to share a couple with you.

And now...

Yesterday's View...

Saturday July 16, 2016

Saturday July 16, 2016

And that will do it for now my friends. I thanks you for stopping by and hope you will come back soon. I have lots to share!

Until next time...


  1. Great catch on the chipmunk photo! I've heard they're very skittish. I could listen to the water video all soothing...
