Sunday, July 10, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - July 10, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

When I got up this morning I did what I often do early on a weekend morning. I spent some time in our front garden enjoying the wildlife that visits the Cafe. As always I filled the feeders and made sure there was clean water in the fountain. I also checked on the hummingbird nectar to make sure it wasn't cloudy. I just put fresh nectar out yesterday so it was all good. 

I wasn't going to photograph because I still have so much to review from our trip to the shore last week but when I saw a hummingbird stop by I just had to grab my camera, tripod and remote and get to work! I am happy to say that it was all worth it. I shot dozens of frames and am very pleased to have come up with three or four good ones. There are a lot of variables in photographing hummingbirds and capturing a good image is not always easy. Today though it all fell into place. And I would now like to share these two with you. Enjoy!

I have some more that I will share soon. Please stay tuned!

And now...

Yesterday's View...

Saturday July 9, 2016

And that's all for now my friends. I have lots of photos to go over and lots more coming your way.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Considering how fast those wings got some great shots! Couldn't believe the bugs on the video yesterday! I agree they're part of the eco system;I just wouldn't want to be part of theirs! ha ha

  2. Thanks Debbie! I just wish whatever eats those bugs would get to work!
