Saturday, September 16, 2023

Saturday View - 16 September 2023 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

So I was up early for the second Saturday in a row hoping to grab some shots of the sunrise at the park. I checked the weather and the sky was said to be clear. The forecast also called for no clouds. So I dressed, grabbed my camera and headed out to one of my sunrise spots. And just like last week the eastern sky was cloud covered. The west was clear as a whistle, naturally. So I made the best of it and photographed what was there. While I wasn't able to capture the sun I was able to grab some nice shots. In fact it was a very good morning with the camera. So for today's view I would like to share a handful of the pictures I made. I'll call this part 1 because there was so much more. I'll probably share the rest tomorrow.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. All shots are so beautiful, but number two is actually my favorite. I can feel the stillness of the morning in that shot.

    1. Thank you! That shot was kind of unintentional. I turned around from the eastern sky and snapped it not thinking it would become much

  2. Well worth the going! I like all though 4, & 6 stand out to me. My favorite is 6. It looks
    like the clouds are chasing each other. It just says 'spirit'to me.
