Saturday, March 26, 2022

Saturday View - 26 March 2022 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

The weather is turning cold here again. It seems that Old Man Winter just doesn't want to give up just yet. Tonight isn't supposed to be too bad at around 35° F but tomorrow night it's supposed to hit 21° F which is not good for our Spring blooms. I did pick up some buckets that I'll put over them to keep any frost out but I just hope the cold doesn't get them. So for today's view I would like to share this tulip. I have about seven or eight blooming right now and I hope they'll be okay. I'll do my best.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Beautiful! Mine aren't blooming yet. I hope they survive.

    1. I just bought these and they were well on their way already. I had the tray in front of the fireplace and after running it one night they grew significantly. I guess that gave me a good start. I covered them last night and will tonight too. They should be okay

  2. Pretty! I don't have tulips but up come my hyacinths!

    1. My hyacinths aren't up yet and I hope they wait until the cold weather is gone. I'm also waiting for my lilac to bloom
