Monday, August 19, 2019

Five Years!

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Five years. Five years ago I made a commitment to post a photo every day. And that's just what I've done. Well, at least I hope I did because I am typing this six days before my fifth "anniversary". But if all went well I have :)  Now I realize that not all of my offerings have been very artistic, though a lot of them have been. Photography is more than just art. I have always said it's about recording moments in time. That's why I firmly believe snapshot photography is of the utmost importance. And snobbery has no place in photography. But that's a subject for another time. Right now let me share a few statistics with you.

- My first post was on Sunday April 13, 2014 (About 4 months before I announced a daily photo)
- As of today I have published 1,854 posts (Click Here To See My Very First)
- As of today (August 13, 2019) I have had 130,600 views
- I have only used two DSLRs and three cell phones for my daily views (Except for my camera reviews)
- Those two DSLRs are Canons, of course ;)
- I'm truly not a camera snob though
- A couple of these aren't statistics but hey, it's my blog

Okay, now for some views from over the years. I am sharing one image from each year I have published my blog. There is a link to the particular post under each image. Enjoy.

April 13, 2014 (My First Post)

January 1, 2015

November 27, 2016

January 17, 2017 (First Squirrel Picture At New Cafe)

March 17, 2018

July 19, 2019 (One Of Many Friday Schnitzel Pictures)

And there you go. I tried to pick my most popular (and favorite) subjects. But there is so much more. If you like take a look at the keywords on the right side of each post and click on any subject that interests you. There's a lot there.
Now, some things have changed over the years, hopefully for the better. But some things remain the same. One being my dedication to sharing something with you every day. Whether you like it or not, lol :) So stay tuned and check back when you can. Mostly though, Thank You for taking a small part of your day to look at my pictures and read my ramblings.

And before I go I would like to say one more thing. Please keep shooting! Make those snapshots and share them. Hopefully you'll be able to look back at some good memories one day. And you might even make somebody's day.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Congratulations on making 5 years. I love your blog.

    1. Thank you! Stay tuned because I have a lot coming up. Maybe some new stuff or perhaps a new "feature"?

  2. Has it really been 5 years?? Congrats! Loved the photos & it is apparent how the format
    has matured. Keep shooting!

    1. I know it sure went quick huh? Thanks! I'll keep shooting and I hope you'll keep stopping by. I have some new things on the horizon.
