Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9, 2015 - Photo of The Day

For today's photo of the day I would like to share another picture from The Joseph Ambler Inn. This is the barn that was constructed in 1820. Originally housing feeding troughs, milking areas, and animal stalls it is now a restaurant and bar. There are also guest rooms on the second floor.

You may also notice the outdoor seating. It's a little too cold right now but come this Summer I wouldn't mind having lunch or dinner there. 

I would also like to share a video I shot on Sunday morning. I made it while strolling around the grounds and some of the buildings. I will warn you that it is about 17 minutes long.

Click here for video

And that will do it for today folks. Please be sure to check back soon to see more.

Until next time...


  1. It looks like a really nice place. I watched the entire video. It was sort of spooky that you were the only one there. And that you could walk into what looked like offices and such. I thought I would see other people but it seemed you were all alone.

    1. It is very nice. I was out pretty early so that is probably why I was pretty much alone. I think it is cool that all but one of the buildings have common areas.

  2. I enjoyed the video but agree with Kathy about it being a bit eerie. It will probably be very pretty to eat ouyside in the warmer weather.....Thanks for sharing.

    1. I guess I an see it being a little eerie but I look at it as peaceful. I generally don't put a lot of people into my videos because of privacy concerns. There actually were a few people around outside. Thanks for watching! I will be sharing a lot more video in my upcoming posts.
