Saturday, December 26, 2020

Saturday View - 26 December 2020 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View 

Today for the first time Kim and I visited the Ridley Creek State Park just about a half hour away. I mean what better to do when it's 31 degrees out? But really it was nice to get out and take a walk. Especially when it is someplace new to us. So anyway I obviously took a bunch of pictures. And for today's view I am sharing a few with you. These were shot near the mansion which is one of the main attractions of the park. I don't know a lot about it yet but if you would like to check it out just Click Here to visit the park website.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Building looks very interesting. I sometimes wonder how back then they built buildings that lasted
    for centuries but the ones we build today are luck to last 50 years!
