Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sunday View - 21 April 2024 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Today we are heading inside and away from the Cafe and taking a look at what is basically a once a year event. This is one of my two Amaryllis that has decided to bloom. And there is really no schedule or rhyme or reason as to when it will bloom. It's happened in the Winter and Summer and sometimes like now in the Spring. This is the older of the two being about 10 years old. An interesting side note is that I originally forgot about it after I purchased it as a kit. It came packaged with a pot, soil and of course a bulb. And it sat in a closet for several months until I came across it and decided to give it a try. Well as you can see it certainly paid off. Now maybe the second will decide to flower. We'll just have to wait and see.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. So beautiful. I can never keep mine alive year to year.

    1. I learned that even if they seem to be dead that they probably aren't. I've kept the water moist in this one for several months when all there was was soil and it eventually bloomed again
