Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Wednesday View - 7 June 2023 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Hi there my friends. I don't know how it is where you are but around here it's very hazy and smokey. It's being caused by the wildfires in Canada. It literally smells like a campfire and it can't be healthy. And that's why I am staying in as much as possible. I did go out to refresh the the bird bath and the other watering holes at the Cafe and of course I put plenty of food out. But I can't help feeling bad about our wildlife and what this haze is doing to them. If there is one good thing though it's that we have a lot of trees here and that helps filter the air. In fact one of the feeding stations is well covered by trees and it amazingly is pretty nice under there with much less smell. I hope the birds and squirrels take shelter there. Now for today's view I would like to share this photo of the sun I made this afternoon. Mind you it is high up in the sky and as you can see it's not really cloud covered. It looks this way because of the smokey haze.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Good shot. I saw it early evening & it was such an odd color...
