Thursday, July 4, 2019

Thursday View - 4 July 2019 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Happy Independence Day To all of my American readers! To everyone else Happy 4th of July!

Today Kim and I were both off from work in observance of the holiday so we had a rare chance to visit Longwood Gardens during a Summer month. And that's just we did. So in place of a throwback photo I would like to share some pictures from Longwood. I love visiting Longwood this time of year when all of the flowers are in full bloom. There is just so much to see. And I got a lot of terrific shots. To make sharing some of them a little more organized I am posting them in categories. To start things off I would like you to see some shots from the Water Lily Garden. These are all of course water lilies but if you look closely you will see a stowaway or two. Of these shots I have a personal favorite but I am curious as to which one you like the best. If you would be so kind please let me know in the comments.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. How can I choose? They are all beautiful. I think if I had to, I would take #2, also with a dragonfly.

  2. So beautiful, so hard to choose, but I am going to pick number five. The leaf and the flower seem to mirror each other. I have been there and you did a remarkable job.

  3. My choice is #3 the all yellow. Love the bright color. They are all beautiful. You did a fantastic job of capturing the dragonfly! Kudos!!

  4. Thank you all for the nice comments. I will say that one of you picked my favorite. I love how each of you had a different favorite. Stay tuned for more Longwood soon
