Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday View - 29 July 2019 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Today's view is actually two views. One from my morning drive to work and one from this evening. They both have two things in common though. They were both shot at the park up the road from us (opposite sides) and they are both the Sun. The first of course is today's sunrise and the second is sunset. Which do you like better?

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. They are so similar, but I have to go with the sunset because of the aky.

  2. So hard to choose between them. I prefer the sky in the second one but love the sun in the first. Because of the sun,I'll stick with #1.

  3. I wish I could take the morning sun and put it with the evening sky. When I shot the sunset photo I literally just made it to my spot. I had to hold my phone above my head to get the sun in the frame.
